Welcome to Isabella's Portfolio Page!

Below are the projects I have been working on up until this pont:

Quiz Screenshot

  • Personality Quiz
  • Completed July 23, 2020. Using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I was able to create a Buzzfeed-inspired personality quiz! Based on your choices regarding a dream vacation, the quiz will be able to determine which character you are from the TV show, "Friends". Overall, I'm really happy with how it turned out, and hopefully you will enjoy it as well! Thanks!

    Activism Website

  • Activism Website
  • Completed July 30, 2020. Using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I was able to create an activism website focusing on pollution generated by plastic waste. By educating my website visitors on the effects of plastic across our land and oceans, I aim to inspire others to take action against the production of plastic waste and do their part to save our planet.